8 Creative Holiday Display Ideas to Attract More Customers

holiday bannersHolidays are the most fun part of the year. Customers love them, and business owners love them even more.

People are in a good mood during holidays. They get the chance to relax, have fun, and spend money!

However, this isn’t just some trade secret; it’s a fact that every business that your competitor understands. So, how can you get ahead? What can you do to stand out?

The answer is Creative Holiday Displays!

Best Ideas for Holiday Displays

A holiday display can be a banner/flag, window display, interactive features, or a creative lights display. Each offers its benefits and helps you differently.

  • Holiday Banner Displays

Holiday banners are an excellent choice for a holiday display. They have stood the test of time and have continually been shown to increase brand awareness and recognizability among customers. 

Holiday banners are also highly cost-effective. You buy them once and use them for years. They won’t get damaged as often since they aren’t out for extended periods. Their durability minimizes the risk of damage during storage, making them a cost-effective investment that delivers lasting impact year after year.

  • Window Displays

A window display can mean many things. It usually means organizing toys, lights, sculptures, or any relevant feature to intrigue potential customers passing by.

This approach is made famous by toy stores and clothing brands with easy-to-show products. If you’re in that category, a window display may be perfect.

  • Themed Product Displays

Festively displaying your product will guarantee a boost in sales. People are in a spending mood during holidays, and they justify this through holiday euphoria.

What more do you need if you strategically group products together by theme or create visually appealing and cohesive displays?

  • Seasonal Decorations

Apart from lights, adding seasonal decorations around your store can do wonders. Consider positioning a Santa Claus during Christmas, which promotes your brand. 

Moreover, it doesn’t have to be a storefront only. People will start familiarizing themselves with your brand by adding seasonal decorations with your branding around the city. Even if this might not generate sales instantly, it builds your credibility in the community.

  • Digital Displays

Digital displays can be a straightforward choice for promotional displays. The great thing about digital displays is they don’t have to be used for the holidays. 

Even though they’re costly, they give your business a more modern look and are perfect for modern retail environments. Moreover, with good placement, they give your store a new life.

  • Holiday Card Display

Another idea is using string and clothespins to hang holiday cards or fun drawings across a wall in your store. This is a perfect choice if you’re a smaller business and want to create a personal yet festive display.

Tips for Creating Effective Holiday Displays

Creating effective holiday displays is an art that combines creativity, marketing, and customer psychology. Here are some essential tips to help you design displays that will captivate your customers and boost your holiday sales.

Target Audience Selection

Chances are you know who your audience is, but that’s not enough. Before spending money on decorations, consider who you’re trying to attract. 

If your market is younger, you should use brighter colors and flashy displays. If they’re older, consider something conservative but stylish. 

Age, religion, and race are all related to how you should set up your holiday display.

Checklist of Elements to Consider

  1. Color – Choose a festive color palette that compliments your brand colors.
  2. Placement – With good placement, more customers will see your display.
  3. Themes – Choose a central theme that ties all display elements together.
  4. Props and Decorations – Use props and decorations to enhance the thematic elements of your display.

Additional Ideas to Boost Sales During the Holidays

Lights and holiday banners are not the only way to increase sales. Other fundamental aspects of your business also need to be addressed.

Pop-up Shops and Kiosks

Pop-up shops are among the most common ways brands and businesses stand out in their community. 

For example, a burger shop can collaborate with different cafes throughout the city and host music events, during which they sell their burgers to customers enjoying the cafe. 

This can also work for clothing brands, musicians, or anything sold on a stand or kiosk.

In-store Events

Hosting events inside the store is another excellent way to promote your business. People come for the events and learn about what your brand offers. 

Depending on your market, the most effective are music nights or events where parents bring their children.

If you’re in a more traditional space, things like product showcase or sales for one brand you carry can be very effective. 

What is Holiday Euphoria?

Holiday euphoria is a great feeling that people get during the holiday season, which makes them happy and excited. 

The wonderful vibe fills the air, making people want to be kind, get together, and treat themselves. 

This happiness feeds the practice of giving gifts and getting together to celebrate, which makes people spend more money. 

As people get into the holiday mood, they are eager to find ways to spread joy through shopping, eating, and other fun activities. 

The holidays’ sights, sounds, and smells are all part of the experience. Twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the aroma of baking cookies – these sensory elements create a stimulating and joyful atmosphere.

Using this feeling of happiness in your holiday displays can attract customers who want to join the party and feel like they’re part of the fun.


Holiday displays are your secret weapon to stand out during the festive season. From catchy banners to captivating window setups, they draw in customers. 

Engage your audience using vibrant colors, strategic placement, and interactive features. Measure success through foot traffic and sales data. 

Understanding your audience and being creative can create a holiday atmosphere that drives sales and leaves a lasting impression. 

So, skip the cookie-cutter decorations this holiday season and let Material Promotions help you craft a display that sparks memories and ignites unforgettable holiday euphoria.